
Are you ready for a solution?

Join us in the iLearnOnQ™ Essentials Program and discover the practical neuroscience-based tools to clear the clutter for a path towards meeting deadlines, budgets and expectations.

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Do you wish you had a more productive team and more time to accomplish your goals?

Join the live, interactive iLearnOnQ™ Leadershift Workshop and discover the neuroscience-based tools  that are the key to getting your team to do what you need them to do

“I know what I need to do, but I just can’t get to it. I just don’t have the time.”

Does that sound familiar?

If you’re a leader who manages large teams and has great responsibility, you probably felt so excited to take on your role:

To achieve big goals for the company

To demonstrate your skills and expertise

And harness your full potential

But your day-to-day reality does not allow for any of that.
So instead of doing the job you’re meant to do, building a plan for the company and creating real value…

You’re constantly putting out fires.

Instead of being productive with a stellar team…

You’re busy fixing other people’s mistakes and the things they’ve missed.

Instead of things getting done efficiently…

You feel like nobody is listening to you (even though you worked on your communication skills).

But if you don’t get what you need from your team, how are you supposed to do your job and fulfill what is expected of you?

And when you ask for more talent and resources to achieve your goals, the CFO gives you a killer argument. “We just don’t have the budget for that.”

Now you’re constantly in survival mode, but the company expects you to bring your best. And it’s no wonder that you feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. After all...

A highly skilled leader like you needs a highly skilled team.

But even on the rare occasion that you manage to carve out time and build a plan to achieve your goals (the ones that your boss expected you to achieve yesterday)... Something urgent happens that demands your attention NOW.

And you’re always dealing with variations of the same problems:

People are not doing what they said they would do.

People are unclear about what they said they would do.

People are talking a lot but not saying anything valuable or sharing the relevant information.

People are doing the wrong things.

People are not collaborating with others.

This is costing you productivity, time and money, which is simply not sustainable.

So the million-dollar question becomes:

“How can I get my team to do
what I need them to?”

If you feel like you’ve tried everything, you’ve read the leadership books, you’ve taken the courses and training to improve your communication and management skills...

But your team still isn’t doing what you’re telling them to do. Then you’ll agree with me that it’s time for a different approach.

This is precisely why I created the iLearnOnQ™ Essentials Program for leaders like you.

Discover the neuroscience of successful conversations; you’ll go through practical exercises and get the exact tools that quickly create tangible shifts in your organization.

After having worked with thousands of leaders and teams in multinational organizations for over three decades, I know exactly which areas you, as the leader, need to create a shift in to cause ripple effects for positive transformation throughout your team and organization.

Discover the neuroscience of successful conversations

Did you know that there is scientific proof that you cannot access your best thinking, ideas or highest potential from a state of overwhelm and frustration?

Discover the neuroscience of successful conversations and how you can immediately apply it with your teams and in your organization to speed up your results.

You’ll be equipped with the practical tools to access your best thinking, build or restore real trust within your team and communicate effectively so that your people are encouraged and inspired to actually do what you need them to do.

Wouldn’t it feel great to have room to plan out the next few weeks and maybe even months, controlling your own schedule instead of circumstance controlling it for you?

You will learn how …

And you will…

  • To actually get what you want from your people (and spend less time trying to get them to do it) because you understand the neuroscience of conversations and human dynamics - and how to apply this knowledge to create instant results
  • To move from being in auto-drive and putting out fires, and will instead move to clear, calm and focused thinking when making decisions and dealing with your team
  • To change the patterns in your team and build a structure for your people that supports them, sets them up for success and creates a productive environment in which everyone wins
  • Learn from others in an exclusive and intimate group setting
  • Have the scientific data and a physical representation of what’s going “wrong” and why you have “people problems” - plus tangible solutions and action items to fix it

Examples of three practical tools that you can use in your own organization right away:


This powerful tool helps you determine where people are at in every conversation and understand the best way to approach them. With the Conversational Dashboard you have the science of truly connecting with people in your hands, to understand where they are, why things are not working the way you need them to and how you can make it work.


This tool allows you to understand how your communication affects the brain and how to access your executive brain with intention. It serves as a guide that helps you navigate and handle scenarios that happen inside your workplace and give you the upper hand in how to best manage them. Rather than your brain running you, you have the opportunity to control your brain and then take different action from that place of understanding and wisdom.


The final tool you’ll receive in this workshop supports you in actually using the tools right away to know how to implement them for more productivity and team collaboration.

Are you ready to shift out of the daily struggle where you’re constantly putting out fires?

And move into a space of operating from clarity, calmness and productivity for you and your entire team?

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Make a SHIFT in the following areas:

  • Communication and Expectations
  • How to create a better return on your investment of time with your people
  • Transformation in how you see what is possible for you and your team

You’ll gain vital tools to use immediately with your teams.

So you can expect to improve communication, increase productivity and have your team do what you need them to do when you begin to implement even just a few shifts.

Quinton Group founder, Tracy Quinton from London Ontario discusses Trust, Leadership, collaboration and executive leadership in the workplace

Tracy Quinton

The Quinton Group is led by Tracy Quinton - a Forbes Council member, consultant, facilitator, keynote speaker and author who has worked with thousands of business leaders in over seventy countries.
Praised for her authenticity, candor and trustworthiness, Tracy is a trusted advisor to hundreds of executive and senior leaders and their teams. They seek her counsel to clear their roadblocks to organizational success. For more than three decades, Tracy has helped leading organizations strategically align when facing challenges or history-defining change, such as a merger, acquisition or restructuring. Known for “nailing it” after listening to office lobby discussions, Tracy can pinpoint corporate patterns of behaviour that stand in the way of organizations getting to where they want and need to be.

A driven but humble, innovative, lifelong learner, Tracy constantly evolves and changes to better herself for her clients. She never pretends to know all the answers but has vast knowledge and wisdom from over three decades of experience working with senior leaders and is resolute that together with her clients and hard work, the answers are waiting to be discovered.

Steve M.

Vice-President of Sales and Business Development, Manufacturing

“Aside from being personable, approachable, and a great listener, Tracy has a gift to read people clearly. She always has a fresh and spot-on approach to situations that previously seemed crippling. You don’t ever have to worry that she won’t act with the same sense of urgency that you’re feeling as a business owner or senior leader. She’s as committed to your personal and professional success as you are. You can’t find a better partner to guide you in the right direction when establishing long-term plans.”
is right for...
  • Human Resource Leaders
  • Learning & Development Leaders
  • Business Leaders/Owners
  • Corporate Division/Department Owners

And anyone in a leadership and management position wanting to increase productivity, improve communication and have a stellar team.  

Is that you?

Take the first step towards a more productive, collaborative, and efficient team.

How will spending time on this workshop actually create more time?

I understand that it’s hard to imagine that attending this workshop will create time for you, especially when time is already your most valuable asset.

Maybe you’ve joined other workshops in the past, and they were a complete waste of your precious time.

Maybe you’ve even taken courses and training to improve your communication and management skills, but people are still not doing what you need them to do.

If any of the scenarios you’ve read throughout this page resonated with you, then the Leadershift Workshop is absolutely worth your time.

Will we be able to solve all your “people problems” and organizational issues in one workshop alone?

But will you leave this workshop with a transformed sense of awareness, new ideas and practical tools that create profound shifts in your teams right away?

100% yes

See for yourself and book your place in the Leadershift Workshop now:
Register for the Workshop

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the workshop take place?

The next Leadershift Workshop will be announced soon and is an online virtual interactive workshop via a Zoom link that we will send to you upon registration.

Should I bring my team members to this workshop? Will there be a recording?

This 2-hour workshop is designed for Business Unit Owners, Human Resource Leaders, Learning & Development Leaders. We record all our workshops for our own team’s in-office debrief. We do not send out the recording.

How many people will attend the workshop?

This is an exclusive invitation to a small group of people. We keep the numbers small to interact and work through the exercises together. For the best experience, you will need to have your camera on during the session. You are welcome to blur your background, but we would really like to see you during the workshop.


This is not another stuffy leadership workshop where I talk at you for 2 hours, and you’re answering emails at the same time.

This is a fully interactive workshop.

Come to the workshop with a pen and paper, ready to take lots of notes. We are going to all work together throughout the 2 hours.