The Essentials

Building organizational strength starting with TRUST

Time For A Change

The coming decade will feel like one of ceaseless change and disruption. It is more critical than ever for business leaders to understand their people and invest in helping them reach their full potential at work.

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Everyday conversations have a neurochemical impact on us.

The words used, the tone and the intention all play a crucial role in determining if the person hearing those words opens up or shuts down. Every single day, moment by moment, we have the option to PARTNER with others or PROTECT ourselves. Our conversations play a crucial role in determining between partner or protect.

When people are unclear, unsure, feel unsafe or not confident, they will hold back and now more than ever, you need them to step up and step in.

We all need to:

  • Elevate the nature and quality of conversations to create positive, productive change and healthy culture within your organization
  • Begin with trust in self and others, fostered by holding self and others accountable, and develop high-quality relationships that give you the R.O.I. you need to have -faster, easier, less wasted time, energy, and resources.
  • Move from ME focus to WE focus and use breakthrough coaching as a conversational style and way of interacting day to day, every day, to co-create the new way forward.

Bill K.

Head of Learning & Development, One of Canada’s Top Five Banks

As the Lead of an L&D function within a major Canadian Bank, I had the pleasure of working with Tracy when we needed real change and an effective coaching strategy for our most senior leaders. We chose Tracy over larger firms, to lead this training, as her approach was more directly aimed at transferring behaviour and engaging our leaders in required change. Her approach is less “classroom lecture with handouts” and more direct discussion with engaging, effective interaction and personal follow-up where needed. This project proved successful as Tracy’s direct style and interactive format, in 1:1 and group sessions, enabled us to effectively evolve a coaching culture and gain broad acceptance on all key principles.

iLearnOnQ™ is powered by the Quinton Group’s 37 years of executive coaching and corporate consultation and bring to life the tools and strategies leaders need to be trusted agents of change. Rich video content, workbooks, LAB assignments, resources, and virtual interactive group sessions with a Quinton Group facilitator. All iLearnOnQ™ programs and courses are proven to facilitate positive, cost-saving organizational results.

This scalable, sustainable model helps with succession and transforming your organization.

Cohesion, not conformity, is the goal.

Starting with the iLearnOnQ™ Essentials Program

Three robust courses filled with content that has stood the test of time and the tools and strategies our clients continue to refer to as most meaningful and impactful in their careers and life. The tools help clarify the transferability and complementarity skills across roles and will also prove valuable to firms and employees alike. They are an essential part of who we are and how we function everywhere we go. Not taught in school, yet absolutely needed in the workplace.

Time and energy are wasted every day due to lack of trust, difficult interaction dynamics, and how people relate and interact with each other. This impacts the individuals and the organization. Companies looking for cost savings at every turn need to turn their attention to interaction dynamics – the human part of business impacting everything. New ways of interacting that have a better result, help resolve issues and stay true over time are available in The Essentials Program.

Unlock the hidden talent pools that already exist within your organization and help your people embrace challenges and failures as opportunities to learn, actively seek out feedback and find inspiration in the success of others.

Mary Ann M.

MLS, EdD, Vice Provost Emeritus Dean

In my 20 years of working with Tracy Quinton, iLearnOnQ is a culmination of her unique expertise and the value she brings to leadership development, team building, and organizational health, well-being, and impact. Using a dynamic, learner-centred approach, Tracy builds upon best-practices in virtual and hybrid learning and employs cutting-edge research in neuroscience and organizational development and content from her work with a diverse group of organizations and people to provide compelling content. Her inimitable gift as a storyteller is used to discuss complex behaviours and actionable strategies to arrive at breakthrough leadership outcomes. You won’t want to miss this learning opportunity!  
Course One


While all of us have good intentions and want to do our best, the challenges of today’s hybrid workforce, including day-to-day chaos, confusion and competing priorities, get in the way.

IMPACT helps you clean up the chaos and take deliberate daily actions to move forward with confidence, knowing the substantial, positive impact on your team and the company – not to mention your peace and well-being.

In this 6-module course, you will learn about the impact you have on yourself and others, increasing your awareness and ability to look at things from a different perspective-one that opens up to new possibilities.

Specifically, IMPACT helps you:

  • Understand what is causing the 'noise' and 'chaos,’ as well as how to quiet it
  • Close the gap between best intentions and truly having an impact, better manage yourself, your time, and your priorities
  • Learn a new way to look at listening, talking, asking questions, clarifying how to connect with others in a meaningful way, truly
  • Set your intention for the program, against which you’ll hold yourself accountable
  • Better manage yourself, your time and your priorities
  • Recognize, understand, and remove blind spots that stand in the way of you moving forward
  • Learn tools to hold yourself and others accountable so the desired results are achieved
  • Architect real conversations for real results

Cheryl M.

SVP Operations, Insurance

We were looking for an aggressive course to blow away old work habits, expectations and assumptions, IMPACT™ has definitely fit the bill.  Even years later, people are still using the principles and best practices.
Course Two

The Foundation
of Trust

Protecting ourselves from others holds us back from what is truly possible. Partnering with others is only available when there is high trust.

In The Foundation of Trust, a 5-module course, you learn the importance of trust, the neurochemical impact of trust and distrust, and how to build, foster, maintain and rebuild trust if it’s ever lost. You will see that trust is required for REAL Conversations and REAL progress.

No matter the strength of a strategy or the importance of a tool – if trust is impaired – the ability to fully realize the value of the strategy or tool will be equally impaired.

Specifically, TRUST helps you:

  • Learn the neurochemical impact of conversations and how words can build or break trust
  • Understand what transparency is and isn’t and how it can build confidence and trust
  • Appreciate how your thoughts about yourself and others can build or break trust
  • Understand the crucial importance of holding yourself and others accountable to maintain trust
  • Identify the three levels of conversation that open up possibilities for meaningful, impactful relationships
  • Learn the neuroscience of partnering, and the incredible impact partnership can have on you and others today and tomorrow

Janet P.

Retired Director of Supply Chain Management, Military Supply Chain

Tracy uses multiple senses (ears, eyes, common sense, and intuition) to synthesize the essence of a situation and creates a logical path forward that the entire group can agree upon.
Course Three

Breakthrough Coaching Strategies

Authentic coaching conversations elicit the results needed for the individual, the manager, the team and the organization.

Once people are empowered to be their authentic selves and advance corporate visions through the Impact and Foundation of Trust curriculum, Breakthrough Coaching Strategies empowers them to help others do the same. This has a multiplier effect for advancing executive mandates at a more effective and efficient pace.

This 5-module course will look at coaching as a conversation style versus a meeting and box-ticking exercise you ‘have’ to do. It provides real, applicable skills, tools and takeaways that have stood the test of time and make sense. Coaching is essential to success at all levels in an organization, particularly in leadership roles.

Specifically, COACH helps you:

  • Define what genuine connection is, as well as how to build it to produce the results you want and need to see
  • Understand your Reticular Activation System (RAS) used to mediate behaviour and how to make it work in your favour
  • Identify multiple options for how to approach and interact while coaching to win or produce results
  • Look at the role of integrity and how to rebuild it when necessary
  • Consider coaching as a conversational style, so you have less stop and start and more flow and consistency
  • Understand and apply the distinctions that create breakthroughs for you, the person you are coaching and the people you impact
  • Build a culture of authenticity and accountability wherein everyone understands how crucial they are to organizational success

Alfred G.

SVP, Insurance

The Quinton Group reduces the stress of managing complex business issues and human capital dynamics by providing hands-on professional coaching solutions to executives and leadership teams so they can be more focused and productive.
Contact the Quinton Group to schedule a STRATEGY CALL
with Tracy Quinton to explore possibilities for your organization.

The iLearnOnQ™ Essentials Program includes Impact, Trust, and Coach.

participants learn to:

  • Understand what is causing the 'noise' and 'chaos,’ as well as how to quiet it
  • Close the gap between best intentions and truly having an impact
  • Better manage themselves, their time, and their priorities
  • Learn a new way to look at listening, talking, asking questions, clarifying how to connect with others in a meaningful way
  • Architect honest conversations for real results
  • Set personal intentions for the program, against which they will be held accountable
  • Recognize, understand, and remove blind spots that prevent them from moving forward
  • Learn tools to hold themselves and others accountable so the desired results are achieved

participants learn to:

  • Understand the neurochemical impact of conversations and how words can build or break trust
  • Understand what transparency is and isn’t and how it can build confidence and trust
  • Appreciate how thoughts about themselves and others can make or break trust
  • Understand the crucial importance of holding themselves and others accountable to maintain trust
  • Identify the three levels of conversation that open up possibilities for meaningful, impactful relationships
  • Learn the neuroscience of partnering, and the incredible impact partnership can have on themselves and others today and tomorrow

participants learn to:

  • Define what genuine connection is, and how to build it to produce the results they want and need to see
  • Understand their Reticular Activation System (RAS) used to mediate behaviour and how to make it work in their favour
  • Identify multiple options for how to approach and interact while coaching to win or produce results
  • Look at the role of integrity and how to rebuild it when necessary
  • Consider coaching as a conversational style, so they have less ‘stop and start’ and more flow and consistency
  • Understand and apply the distinctions that create breakthroughs for themselves, the person they are coaching and the people they impact
  • Build a culture of authenticity and accountability wherein everyone understands how crucial they are to organizational success